First we install Mosquitto. sudo apt-get install mosquitto Once this is installed, it will run with the defaults. The problem with this is there is *NO SECURITY*. We must delve in the configs. The trick here is, the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf only points to the real config file. I have included in the files on my mosquitto.conf . Read over this file and make any edits if you are versed in this. All we need to do is add the access list file, as we still do not have authentication. We will create the file at /etc/mosquitto/accesslist.txt by the following command: sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/accesslist.txt nodered Type in the password you wish to set, and you are done. Now, you can start Mosquitto. It starts on port 8883, with your username:nodered and password: (whatever you set it as). It will also, by default, start up as a system service.